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How to Paint Metal Gates

publisherHELEN YANG


A stunning metal gate can provide a welcoming accent to a home or garden, while a worn and dull-looking gate can detract from the natural beauty of the house. When gates are in need of a refresher, it is best to apply a handsome coat of fresh paint. By preparing the surface of the metal and priming any rust spots, you can ensure that the paint goes on smoothly and lasts.


    • 1

      Spread out a series of drop clothes around the metal gate to protect any vegetation surrounding the gate and ground.

    • 2

      Scrape any rust off of the gate using a stiff-bristled wire brush.

  • Smooth the rust spots using a 120-grit sandpaper.

  • 4.

  • Thoroughly wipe down the gate using a rag to clear away any remaining dirt and debris.

  • 5.

  • Apply an exterior metal primer onto the spots sanded down and affected by the rust. For rust spots that are heavily pitted, apply the primer with a paintbrush to ensure that the entire surface receives a solid coating. For the remaining spots, use a primer available in spray can format. Using a spray can is easier and also reduces brush strokes on the gate.

  • 6.

  • Allow the primer to completely dry for 6 to 8 hours, then spray on the finishing coat of enamel paint. Be sure to find a metal paint that is compatible with your choice of primer. Allow the gate to dry completely for 24 hours, then remove the drop cloths.