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How to Remove Rust Stains From Fiberglass Sinks

publisherHELEN YANG


Rust stains occur in fiberglass sinks or tubs through repeated use of hard water. Hard water contains minerals that leave deposits on the surface of the sink. The deposits appear as bright red rust stains, whitish lime stains or metallic stains from bacteria in the minerals. To remove the rust stains, use a vinegar solution or a commercial rust remover.


    • 1

      Put on protective gloves and insert the sink stopper into the drain.

    • 2

      Fill the sink with white vinegar. Use a 5 percent acid vinegar solution. The bottle will state what percentage acid it contains.

  • 3.

  • Let the vinegar sit for 30 minutes. Remove the stopper and drain the sink. The rust stains should be gone.

  • 4.

  • Purchase a commercial rust or hard water stain remover, such as ZUD or Lime-Away, if the vinegar did not remove the stains. The directions for using these products varies with brand, so read and follow all use instructions exactly.

  • 5.

  • Rinse away the cleanser after it sits for the allotted time.