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How to Identify Pipe Thread Size

publisherHELEN YANG


Pipes are used for many different tasks within homes and buildings, even if they are not something that you often think about. Plumbing is a major source of pipes within your home, which can lead to an arduous do-it-yourself task. If you decide to replace a pipe yourself, learn to identify the size of the pipe threads in order to purchase the correct size. Understanding the way that professionals measure pipes allows you to choose the correct size pipe for your needs.


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      Measure the outside diameter of the pipe with your ruler or tape measure and write this down. Measure across the mouth of the pipe from one side to the other. This is referred to as the outside diameter, or OD, of the pipe.

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      Measure the threads per inch (TPI) by counting the male threads within a one inch section of the pipe threads. The male threads are the ones that are raised, while the female threads are recessed. You can also purchase a thread gauge to count this, but you can accomplish this with a ruler and careful counting. Write this number down.

    • 3

      Use a data chart to determine the correct size of pipe threads for your needs. You can find data charts on plumbing or pipe websites, or at your local hardware store.