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How to Stick Weld Steel

publisherHELEN YANG


Stick welding steel is one of the cheapest ways to weld steel. As well, it is forgiving of steel that is slightly dirty or rusty, or located outdoors, and is often preferred by newcomers to welding. By following certain guidelines as to welding electrode types and approaches to welding, you can optimize the quality of your steel weld.


    • 1

      Clean rust and debris off your steel part, if possible, with a wire brush.

    • 2

      Select your welding electrode based on the amount of penetration that you need, as well as your other welding preferences. The 7024 rod will maintain the correct arc length, while 6010 electrodes provide deep penetration and 6013 electrodes penetrate less.

      • 3

        Set the amperage for your machine, based on the kind of electrode that you are using. Certain electrodes, such as the 7018, can handle higher amounts of current; you can always find the amount of acceptable current on the electrode box.

      • 4

        Weld, according to the directives offered by your welding machine. Generally, for a horizontal or flat weld, you will need to hold the electrode perpendicular to the welding surface and tilt the top of the electrode, slightly, in the direction in which you wish to travel. For a vertical weld, hold the electrode at a 15 degree angle to the direction of travel, and push it upwards.

      • 5

        Push the electrode forward in a straight line, keeping it in the front third of the welding pool.