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How to Clean a Building's Water Pipes

publisherHELEN YANG


If you are a homeowner, you have to perform regular maintenance on your home. One bit of maintenance that is often forgotten is cleaning your water pipes. Water pipes that are left untreated will fill with dirt and grime, which can cause a backup in the pipes. Once your pipes become clogged, they can cause water to back up into your home. You can hire a professional to come clean your pipes, but this can be expensive. Clean them yourself and save some money.


  1. Method One: Inside Your Home

    • 1. Remove any visible clogs. If there is a buildup of food or hair that you can see, pull it out. If your drain has a mesh cover, use a screwdriver to remove it.
    • 2. Pour 3/4 cup of dry baking powder down the clogged drain.
    • Pour 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar down the drain after the baking soda.

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      Insert a plug or old rag into the top of the drain. Leave the baking soda and vinegar to work at unclogging the drain. Leave it to work for a minimum of half an hour.

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      Boil a large pot of water on the stove. Remove the plug and pour the boiling water down the clogged pipe, after the ammonia mixture.